Charge Controller 20 Ampere 12V/24V Phocos Jerman

Charge Controller 20 Ampere 12V/24V Phocos Jerman
Rp 1.200.000,- Rp 990.000,-
Type CML 20
System voltage 12/24 V auto recognition
Max. charge/load current 20 A
Float charge 13.7/27.4 V (25 °C)
Boost charge 14.4 /28.8 V (25 °C), 2 Std.
activation: battery voltage <12.3/24.6 V
Equalization 14.8/29.6 V (25 °C), 2 Std.
activation: battery voltage <12.1/24.2 V
Deep discharge protection:
State of charge dependent
Voltage dependent
Reconnect level

11.4 – 11.9 V / 22.8 – 23.8 V
11.0/22.0 V
12.8/25.6 V
Overvoltage protection 15.5/31.0 V
Undervoltage protection 10.5/21.0 V
Max. panel voltage
(Overvoltage protection by varistor)
30 V in 12 V system
50 V in 24 V system
Temperature compensation
(Charge voltage)
−25 mV/K at 12V
−50 mV/K at 24V
Max. self consumption < 4 mA
Grounding positive grounding possible
Ambient temperature −40 to +50 °C
Max. height 4,000 m above sea level
Battery type lead acid (GEL, AGM, flooded)
Wire cross section < 16 mm2
Weight 160 g
Dimensions (W xH x D) 80 x 100 x 32 mm
Type of protection IP22
Pemesanan :
SMS/Whatsapp : 0857. 4848. 9555
Pin BB : 2B2FA161
Website :
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